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SSL Certificate Symantec Code Signing Individual


Symantec Code Signing Individual

Information on Symantec Code Signing Individual certificates from Symantec

Symantec™ Individual Code Signing Certificates are an excellent option if you want to secure and distribute your content, code, or software over the Internet as a private individual, meaning that you are not a company, but still want to secure your code. This makes it easy to get rid of all security warnings and immediately improve your reputation as a publisher, giving your users the confidence that your code is trustworthy with Symantec™ Individual Code Signing certifications. It effectively supports JavaSoft™, Adobe® AIR™, Microsoft Authenticode®, VBA & Office, Apple and others

To order a Symantec Code Signing Individual certificate select the period for which you want to activate it and click Order or contact us

Detailed information

SSL certificates differ in terms of validation methods, type of verification, warranty level, number of secured domains and subdomains and add-ons offered. Depending on your needs, compare the available options and choose a certificate that will meet your expectations

Below you will find detailed information about the presented Symantec SSL certificate

Validation type

OV - organisation validation

Symantec Code Signing Individual certificate is issued on the basis of company identity verification. It ensures the credibility of the company and the authenticity of the website

Full verification


In the case of this certificate, the company`s registration documents and their authenticity, including telephone number and address data, will be checked

Amount of secured domains


Up to 250 domains, subdomains and SANs can be secured with single certificate. Unfortunately not with selected Symantec Code Signing Individual certificate...

SAN support


A Multi-Domain certificate, or SAN, allows you to secure multiple domains on a single server with SSL encryption, which means you can associate multiple IP addresses (e.g. Exchange) with a single SSL certificate

Server licensing


Some SSL certificates can be installed on multiple physical servers at no extra charge. Not with Symantec Code Signing Individual...


99%+ and mobile device

Symantec brand certificates are recognized by all popular web browsers, on every operating system. This also applies to mobile devices and smartphones

Symantec Code Signing Individual compatible browsers


125000 $

The warranty is an insurance against breaking the SSL certification encryption. It determines the amount of compensation paid by Symantec

Issuance time

7 days

The time of certificate issuance depends on the type of validation. It can vary from a few minutes to even 7 days. Symantec Code Signing Individual certificates are usually issued within 7 days

Subdomains coverage


Some SSL certificates allow you to secure more domains and subdomains. This is not one of them :-)

Address bar with company name


If you want maximum prestige and security, choose an EV certificate, which in selected browsers will display an address bar with your company name on it

Encryption and key length

128/256 bit, 2048 bit

The encryption power and length of the key affect the security of the certificate. Currently, the standard is encryption up to 256 bits at 2048 bit key length



Symantec Code Signing Individual certificates do not provide a seal for a website

Symantec premium features

One of the best advantages of purchasing an SSL certificate from Symantec, are the additional security features and solutions that are associated with it. Symantec is the most trusted brand in network security and makes purchasing an SSL certificate extremely beneficial in this respect

Malware and vulnerability scanners would cost hundreds of GBP, but are offered free of charge when purchasing some Symantec SSL certificates

Vulnerability scan


Usługa Vulnerability Assessment (Ocena podatności) pomaga szybko zidentyfikować zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa i oferuje rozwiązanie pozwalające na ich naprawę. Ocena podatności obejmuje cotygodniowe automatyczne przeszukiwanie stron internetowych, aplikacji internetowych, oprogramowania serwerowego i portów sieciowych

ECC encryption


Symantec certificates with EV use an asymmetric ECC algorithm, the most powerful encryption algorithm in existence. ECC offers the same level of cryptographic strength with much smaller key sizes - offering greater security with less computing requirements. The standard key size with ECC gives 64,000 times stronger encryption than RSA, ensuring full authentication

Malware scan


Symantec Code Signing Individual certificate does not add the ability to scan the site for free. Select another Symantec certificate to get free access to the scanner

Seal in search engines


Symantec Seal-in-Search allows you to display the known Norton Secured Seal symbol next to a web page in search results. Users using Norton's security solutions will know that your website is safe before they click on it
symantec seal in search

The information regarding Symantec Code Signing Individual certificates and SSL prices are not an offer in the meaning of the Civil Code. Displayed data and Symantec® logo are for information purposes only.

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Data for Symantec Code Signing Individual prepared by: Intername
Information rating: 4.5/5 based on 927 votes
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In case of any questions or issues with Symantec certificates ordering process please contact us!

Similar products

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True BusinessID with Multi-Domain 189,00 £
True BusinessID Wildcard 264,00 £
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Comodo Wildcard SSL 147,00 £
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Comodo Multi-Domain SSL 123,00 £
Comodo Unified Communications Certificate 123,00 £
Comodo Instant SSL 30,00 £
Comodo Instant SSL Pro 32,00 £

Other certificates from Symantec

Remaining SSL certificates by this vendor:

Secure Site 302,00 £
Secure Site with EV 679,00 £
Secure Site Pro 660,00 £
Secure Site Pro with EV 945,00 £
Secure Site Wildcard 1 719,00 £

SSL Certificate Symantec Code Signing Individual

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